Thank You Office Max!
Ok. I am a little shocked. I have been working on creating name tags, labels, etc. for my class. This past year I have learned to do a lot on the computer I NEVER thought I would be able to do. In fact, the other day my 18 year old daughter said, "Um, I can't believe you know how to do more on the computer than I do now!" What a compliment, since she has been my go to person for tech help since she was like 8! Anyway, as I was creating I was thinking about all the colored ink I was going to be using up and I was pretty concerned about how it would look since my printer is not exactly high-tech. I decided to check into color prints at Office Max. I called and talked to someone and decided I would use their online feature to upload my document and have it printed. I started small- I definitely did not want to print pages and pages only to decide I didn't like it and be stuck spending the money for something I wouldn't use. The upload process wa...