My First Five for Friday!

It's Friday! Only three free Fridays left before I am back to school. Not too much on the agenda for today, but next Friday... something exciting is happening. Read on to find out! 

Also, a big thanks to Doodle Bugs Teaching for hosting this fun linky party. 

So here we go!

I spent three days in my classroom this week getting ready for the upcoming year. I LOOOVE getting my room ready. I have been debating going to a more uniform look for my bulletin boards forever, but I finally did it. I went with blue material and found a really cute border that I put around the outside of every board, and then I used different red and blue borders to layer inside. I think the finished product looks good... now I just need to put something on them!

My husband and I are about to be empty nesters! CRAZY! Our youngest sweetie pie is headed off to college in about 4 weeks. We are so excited and proud of her- she is a great student and is going to be playing softball. My oldest sweetie pie lives in Florida and works for Mr. Mickey Mouse and she got engaged in April to a fantastic guy and we are super excited about that. 

Now for the best part- next Friday we are going to meet up with my oldest.  We are going to have a weekend with just the four us!!!! I. CANNOT. WAIT!!!!


Maybe I need to rethink the whole "empty nest" thing since we have FOUR dogs and I consider them my babies... we will just leave that one alone...

Anyway, this is Stringbean. I finally gave in and allowed my youngest to get a dog when she was 14. We adopted him from a local animal rescue when he was about 9 weeks old. He just turned 4. While he started out as my daughter's dog, he quickly became all mine. I should have known we would bond when he literally peed all over my leg when we were meeting him at the shelter! He is seriously the smartest dog EVER! 

Here is my handsome boy! And the next picture is my handsome boy hiding because...


He HATES baths. At my house we have to spell the word "bath" in front of him because he goes and hides EVERY time he hears that word, or when he hears the faucet running for the bathtub, or if we get out the comb to brush their fur...

This is his favorite hiding place, behind the recliner in the bedroom. Thank goodness he is our least stinky dog and we don't have to actually give him a B.A.T.H. very often!

I love using Writer's Workshop. I have used it for several years, in both second and third grade. I am excited about a new product I have created to use during my first unit. I designed it to go along with Lucy Calkins WW, bringing in a few additional elements that my students usually need extra practice with. If you use WW, be sure to check it out in my Teachers Pay Teachers store! 

I am thrilled that we are going to get to go the Farmer's Market again tomorrow. That will be two weekends in a row! Number one on my "to buy" list is fresh pimento cheese. Didn't know I liked it until last weekend, but it just might be one of my new favorite foods. Try it with bacon in a grilled cheese! My mouth is watering right now!

Happy Friday!


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