Currently January- A Fresh Start

Happy New Year! I am not usually one to get too excited over New Year's Day, but this year I was really ready to turn the page on 2014 and start fresh in 2015. We had a very rough 2014- so bring on 2015!

I am linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for her monthly Currently Linky Party!

Here goes...

1.) I am "currently" obsessed with HGTV. Love, love, love Fixer Upper, the Property Brothers, and all versions of House Hunters. 

2.) Boy, did I get a surprise on Christmas morning... my family- mom and dad, husband, and my two girls got me the farmhouse table I have been wanting from IKEA. Then my husband and I used a gift card my mom and uncle gave us to purchase the chairs to go with it! I love it so much!!!! Here's a pic of my pretty new table!

3.) I have really enjoyed my winter break- my youngest daughter has been home from college since December 12th- she goes back on January 6th- and my oldest daughter and her fiancĂ© were here for five days over Christmas, so I haven't spent much time on anything school or TpT related. I have 5 projects in various states of completion sitting on my desktop staring at me each time I open my computer. I need to put them in a folder so they will stop staring!

4.) Number 3 above is the reason I need another few weeks of vacation! Maybe we will have some snow days...

5.) Ok- this one is serious- I really must drink more water. I am a diet soda-aholic. I am going to make myself drink water, water, water.

6.) *Yes- as I mentioned at the beginning of my post- 2014 was rough and because of this my husband and I have not eaten well or exercised. Too much fast food and no exercise makes you feel pretty crummy! That is a top priority for us both. 

*Maybe- my goal is to blog more. I actually really enjoy writing and love to blog, but just haven't had the time. My goal is to plan out my blog topics and make it happen this year!

*I Wish- oh how I would love to write a children's book. I have ideas swirling in my brain- I just need to start and see where it goes... 

I hope that your 2015 is off to a wonderful start!


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