Focus on Characters: Miss Penny and Mr. Grubbs

In my class we are continuing our study of characters. I want to share with you another great picture book with two very contrasting characters. 

This book is also by Lisa Campbell Ernst (as I've said before- one of my favorite authors!). It is really a sweet book...

I read the story to my students and then I started the chart- but we did not fill in the words to describe the characters (we did that later). 

I gave my students the reading response activity and sent them off to illustrate and write. After giving them some time- we reconvened on the carpet and completed the chart. Then they could go back and add to their own work if they chose to. 

They loved this activity and I was really pleased with their efforts! 

Up next... Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch!

What picture books do you love to use to teach character?


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