Currently... April Edition

I have just recently started blogging and I am really enjoying Farley's Currently link-ups! Be sure to check out her blog Oh' Boy Fourth Grade. What a fun way to share! 

I think I am going to purchase her Currently product in her TpT store and dedicate a bulletin board to it next year. What a great way for my students to share about themselves!

Well... here is my Currently, April Edition!, we have four dogs. They are all my babies, but I have a huge soft spot for our little beagle, Cupcake. When we rescued her she had all sorts of problems- heartworms, a urinary tract infection, she had just lost a litter of puppies, and was scared to death of everything. Bless her heart, she cowered if you looked at her. We got all of her health problems healed up, and then with the help of our other dogs and a lot of patience we got her spirit healed up, too. She is now the life of the party! She sleeps with us, and boy, can she snore!!! Listening to her right now as she is in a deep sleep curled up right beside me. What a sweet sound!

Loving... reading fairy tales to my class right now. We are in the middle of a unit on Fairy Tale, Fables, and Myths. I have been reading both traditional and fractured versions. Yesterday I read a cajun version of Little Red Riding Hood... HILARIOUS! We had to stop a few times just to laugh! 

Thinking... I need to go to the store. UGH! The grocery store is calling my name. Maybe I won't answer?

Wanting... spring weather and flip flops! Especially for tomorrow morning. My daughter has a softball tournament and it is supposed to be 27 degrees when we arrive at the ballpark. Thanks goodness I have a warm sleeping bag to burrow down in.

Needing... grass in my backyard. With four dogs, that is 16 paws to clean every time they go out into the mud pit!

Our last day of school is May 23rd- the kids are there from 8:55 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. I usually go in about 7:15 a.m. and am contracted until 4:00 p.m. 

Have a great weekend! 


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